Career Tips
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Creating a great resume is not easy. What makes it difficult is identifying what to include, what not to include, what to highlight, what to soft-pedal, etc. Because of the number of resumes submitted to employers, the chances are that yours will get someone's attention for about 10-30 seconds. So the way you present and organize your information could make the difference in landing an interview...or not.

撰寫履歷表 實用竅門
To give you a head's start on other jobseekers, here are some useful tips for composing your resume...

  • 履歷的最重要目的是要讓你得到一個面試的機會,亦是你會否有機會會見僱主的重要關鍵。當你成功得到面試機會,便是你要面對面向僱主推銷自己的時候,那將是另一個課題。
    Remember that the single most important goal of a resume is to get you an interview. It's the key to get you in front of your potential boss. That's it. Once you're in, you will need to sell yourself face-to-face but that's another story.

  • 首先,你要決定自己的工作目標。你希望得到甚麼工作﹖而這種工作要求的技術/技巧和經驗是甚麼﹖你是否具備這些條件﹖
    Before you do anything, determine your job objective. What sort of a job you do want? Are you aware of the skills and experience necessary to do well in that job? Do you possess them?

  • 由於你只有很少時間可以爭取僱主/人事經理對聘用你的興趣,因此履歷要盡快進入正題,就像在說﹕「我明白你要求的是甚麼,而以下便是你要接見我的原因……」
    You have very little time to get the interest of a hiring manager so get to the point quickly and be specific. "I understand what you want and here's why you should talk to me..."

  • 在履歷中不要太過詳細描述自己的每一項成就,最重要是簡潔地指出自己和工作要求相配合的條件及經驗,並從僱主的角度考慮??他 / 她要找的是一個怎樣的求職者﹖
    Don't go into detail about every accomplishment in your resume. Be clear and concise and only highlight achievements that match the job requirement. Put yourself in the shoes of the hirer??what will he or she be looking for in a candidate?

  • 在履歷的主要部分應以點列及短句的形式表達,不應用長句甚至段落形式。僱主只會用極短的時間看履歷,因此以重點的句式寫出讓對方易於在一瞬間吸收重要的資料,不要擔心描述得不夠詳細,因為你在面試時可以詳盡?述。
    In the body of your resume, use bullet points with short sentences rather than lengthy paragraphs. Resumes are read quickly so using key phrases will help the reader absorb the important information at a glance. Don't worry about specifics; you can go into detail during the interview.

Word/phrase meanings 認識新詞
1) soft tone down the significance of something 減弱效果
2) landing...arriving in a situation or condition 達到

撰文﹕Wall Street Institute

Wall Street Institute (WSI)創立於1972年,是全球最具規模的國際英語專科教育機構,全球分校超過350所,遍及25個國家。每年,WSI平均幫助超過140,000學員成功提升英語水平,致力為全球英語教育作出貢獻。