Career Tips
商業書信 溝通技巧 職場增值 中小企2.0 企管達人 求職信寫作貼士 專業履歷寫作 面試心得


在分秒必爭的現代社會,做事講求效率、速度(effectiveness and efficiency)。公司與客戶的即時通訊多利用傳真及電郵,這是最方便(convenient)、最可靠(reliable)及可同時傳遞文字及圖像訊息的通訊工具。

一封商業書信必須簡單、準確(concise),運用適當的句式、詞彙及格式是非常重要﹔ 當然,在寫傳真和電郵時也不例外﹗寫商業傳真和電郵時,記得必須具備以下4點﹕

  1. 稱呼 與一般書信無異,如果不清楚對方是誰,可寫To Whom it May Concern﹔
    如果不清楚則可寫對方全名,如Dear Chris Yip。
  2. 段落 傳真或電郵段落必須簡短精要,利用point form會更清晰。
  3. 署名 如果認識收信人,可用Yours sincerely或Sincerely﹔
    相反則可用Yours faithfully。亦可根據信件性質而用不同用語。
  4. 結尾 如要求進一步行動,可用I would like you to.../ a matter of urgency / done, or we will be forced to...




Name:John McCathy
Company Name:Brandon Stationery Inc.
Address:128 Main Street West,HK
Fax:852 2567 3333

Complaint of late delivery Invoice No. 091997

I am writing to lodge a complaint against the late delivery of the last order, for two B937 color photocopiers, made on 1st July, 2003. Invoice Number 060897.

Unfulfilled promises have shaken my confidence in your company. As a result of the late delivery, it has caused our company great inconvenience. At this point in time, I would like you to deliver the photocopiers at once as a matter of urgency.

Please contact me urgently regarding this matter. You may reach me at

Yours sincerely,
Chris Yip
Sales Manager


Subject:Re: Overdue deliver of two photocopiers

Dear Chris Yip,

Thank you for your fax reminder about the overdue deliver of your photocopiers.

Due to the heavy demand for this popular model, we're temporarily out of stock; the next shipment of the photocopiers will arrive tomorrow. We'll ensure that you receive delivery ASAP.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thanks for your continuous support.

John McCathy, Manager
Brandon Stationery Inc.

bcc-Blind carbon copy,收信人不知道除自己外還有甚麼人會收到這封訊息。
cc -Carbon copy,收信人知道除自己外還有甚麼人會收到這訊息。

Questions: 現在做做以下練習,看自己掌握了沒有﹖
1.Fax and email are widely used nowadays.T / F
2.Using fax and e-mail is time saving.T / F
3.We should be formal wording when writing an email.T / F
4."Yours sincerely" is used if you don't know the person.T / F
5.It costs less to send a letter than e-mail.T / F

Answer: 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F